Illness Instructions
Spread Knowledge, Not Germs
Please consider the following guidelines when your child is ill to help prevent the spread of illness:
Notify the School Nurse:
Please notify the nurse's office if your child becomes sick with any potentially contagious illness. This allows us to check the health status of any students who may have been exposed.
Fort Sam Houston ISD considers a fever to be a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher. Students with a fever will be excluded until they have completed a 24-hour period fever-free without the use of fever reducing medications such as Tylenol or Motrin. Please keep your child home from school if he/she is within this 24-hour exclusion period.
If your child has an illness related physician’s visit, please inquire about potential activity restrictions or medications that will be taken during the school day. Fort Sam Houston ISD policy requires physician documentation for all medications administered during the school day.
Please contact the nurse's office for guidance regarding when to return your child to school after an illness.