Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss FSHISD's State Financial Accountability Rating Fort Sam Houston Independent School District will hold a public meeting on November 21, 2019 at 11:00 am in the Professional Development Center at 1908 Winans Road, San Antonio, Texas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District’s rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” on the state’s financial accountability system.
Important Back to School Information Click the headline above for a flier with some great detailed information about the new school year. Information includes new student registration, New Kids Camps, Elementary Meet Your Teacher, Cole Open Houses, and more!
SCHOOLS OPEN TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12th All FSHISD schools will operate during normal school hours today, Tuesday November 12th.
2018-2019 School Year Calendar Approved The FSHISD calendar for the 2018-2019 school year was approved at our last board meeting. Click the headline above to view the approved calendar.
Interested in Mentoring FSHISD Students? Click the headline to learn more about Mentor training provided by JBSA Fort Sam Houston that can prepare you to be a mentor for FSHISD students and other students in the San Antonio Area.