Aubrey Ware » 4th Grade School Supplies List

4th Grade School Supplies List

 *2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons
 *2 8-count pkg Crayola thick markers
 *4 chisel point Expo dry erase markers
 *2 wide-tip yellow highlighters
 *12 glue sticks
 *2 pink pearl erasers
 *5 Mead black composition books (no spirals)
 *2 packages notebook paper
 *1 pkg. 3x3 Post-Its sticky notes (girls only)
 *1 pkg. index cards (boys only)
 *48 yellow #2 Ticonderoga pencils (pre-sharpened)
 *5 pocket folders (1 each: red, green, yellow, blue, orange)
 *1 protractor
 *2 containers of hand sanitizer
 *1 pair of headphones (no earbuds, please)
 *2 packages baby wipes 
 *2 boxes of tissues