4th Grade Enigma Presentation Dates

  1. Easter Island - March 19
  2. Area 51- March 20
  3. Bermuda Triangle - March 26
  4. Loretto Chapel Staircase- March 27
  5. Roswell Incident- March 21
  6. Yeti - April 1
  7. Stonehenge- April 2
  8. Coelacanth- April 3
  9. Amelia Earhart- April 4
  10. Lost City of Atlantis- April 8

*We will set these dates after the April 9-11 STAAR:

  1. Anastasia
  2. Bigfoot
  3. Mothman
  4. Black Helicopter
  5. Crystal Skulls
  6. Mermaids
  7. Lake Natron
  8. D B Cooper
  9. Winchester House
  10. Stone Spheres