4th/5th Grade Catapult Lab Research Homework

Everyone had a fun time using a lever to launch a marshmallow today.... especially because I was the intended target. :-)   They did a great job!!!!!!

The 4th/5th grade group is finally ready to begin the Engineering Design Process for our CATAPULT LAB. The research phase of this is due on Monday morning:

 Catapult Lab-Researching the Problem 

Research the history of catapults and their construction.  Choose your favorite type of catapult and write or type a brief one page summary about this machine.  Include a sketch of your favorite catapult design. Remember… the writing rubric will be used to evaluate your research summary! 

On Thursday, another copy of the writing rubric will be sent home with every 4th/5th grade student.  Feel free to join us on Friday as we use catapults to chunk some pumpkins!!!!