Mrs. Laura Lamoureux » Posts


4th GRADE: Don't forget your work is due on MONDAY!

Assignment:  Your task is to research an enigma of your choice.  You will be responsible for submitting a one-page paper, bibliography, and 5 question quiz by December 11, 2017. You may either print it and hand it in on Monday or you may share it with me in Google Classroom. 

These cheery little elves have been hanging out with us. Didn't the first graders do a great job "elfing " themselves?!?!?
Our creative 2nd graders dreamed about the super powers they would like to have and created Super Hero Trading Cards!! 
4th grade students got ready for the upcoming Pumpkin Chunkin' by using the  Engineering Design Process to create mini catapults.
Thank you to the wonderful folks who came out to meet with the 5th grade GT students. It was such a treat to be able to pick the brains of folks in the career fields that the students researched.

GT October 11-16

Happy October!!!   I will be off campus for a couple of days but there is no need to worry about forward motion on everyone's All About Me projects.  :-) 
The 1st and 2nd graders will have plenty of time to wrap up their projects next week during GT classes.
The 3rd,4th and 5th graders all have  work to complete during their I&E time (that is the time that they normally come out to me). If they are unable to finish their projects during class, they should finish them at home. They will all be due on Monday, October 16th.  Their project descriptions and rubrics are attached above.

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade GT HOMEWORK DUE: OCT 10

3rd grade: BIOPOEM NOTES  

A biopoem is an 11-line poem that describes a person. In the standard biopoem structure, an individual is described largely through his or her experiences, hopes, and accomplishments rather than by basic characteristics such as gender, height, age, and race. In this lesson, students write a biopoem describing themselves.

Homework: Complete the following list on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. Seven Adjectives
  2. Three important relationships
  3. Five things that you love
  4. Five important memories and how you felt
  5. Five fears
  6. Three accomplishments
  7. Seven wishes or hopes
  8. Where do you live?

4th grade: NAME ART

Our 3-D  ALL ABOUT ME project  is designed to help students reflect upon which characteristics make them unique. It will also  help them to learn about their classmates and to form connections with other students who may share similar interests.

Homework: The first piece of the project is name art. Students should write their name in large letters and completely fill in the entire page with color, patterns or decorations.


Our “MY FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT” project will  introduce students  to the working world they will one day enter.  Students will   identify and research a career in which they may be interested. This activity is designed to increase students’ knowledge of potential career options and the requirements to enter those fields.

Homework: The first piece of this project is body construction. Students will use construction paper and glue to create a paper body wearing the clothes that reflect the career they have chosen to research. I have a “big head” waiting for each body.

"How do we expect young people to dream if they don’t know what they can dream about?"           America's Promise Alliance