Courtney Gedminas » Lunch/Snack


Snack time is at 1:30 
Please send in a healthy snack daily for your child. Please keep in mind that snack time is only 10-15 minutes long. They will be having snack during "quiet"/intervention time so they need to be able to do this quickly and easily. Do not send in anything that needs to be refrigerated or anything that requires a utensil. In addition, please do not send in any juice, soda, or sports drinks as a part of snack. Students will be able to refill their water bottle if needed. We have numerous allergies so PLEASE do not send any products with NUTS of any kind. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe.
Lunch is at 11:18
Your child may bring a lunch from home or receive a meal from the cafeteria. Please see the school website for current menus. Breakfast and lunch are not free this year. Please make sure your child has funds in their lunch account. If you need an application for free and reduced lunch, please go to our district website and they can be found under "Child Nutrition".